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Bob Buehler shares secret to being a good father

Resident Bob Buehler is well loved in our community, and it’s well known that he loves his three children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren immensely. But what advice would he give young fathers who hope to be as good of a father as Bob is? Perhaps it’s really not that much of a secret at all.

“I can’t remember any real outstanding things that we went through, but we just tried to be as good to one another as we possibly could be. We tried to help our children solve problems, tried to be good parents, and were very fortunate that our children were good to us, and good for us,” said Bob. “And I couldn’t have done it without my wife. She really was an outstanding lady.”

Bob’s wife Barbara passed away in December 2017, and as expected, Bob has had a hard time adjusting to life without her. But his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren keep him going.

“It’s been a good life, and I’m very proud of my family. I’ve had some good experiences and good breaks in business. And It’s been very rewarding to see my family turn out as well as it has. I’m proud of all of them. I have a great-granddaughter in Florida, in 4th grade, who is a champion gymnast. She participated in a Florida gymnastics contest for the state and took first place! And her older brother is a freshman in high school and has always been an outstanding kid. He’s a great student and a good leader. I give credit to their mother. She has really devoted a lot of time to those kids,” said Bob.

Bob and his wife met as school children in Salina, then attended K-State together, though he was a year ahead of her.

“After she finished, we got married, and moved to Wichita. That’s where our children were born, and when they were in third, fifth and sixth grades, I was transferred up to Overland Park. We did a lot of things together as a family. I was a Scout Master for a while, and we did a lot of camping, and hiking, even a 50-mile long hike in the mountains of Colorado once! We also did a five-day canoe trip up on the Canadian border. And Barbara was very active in the League of Women Voters, active for more than 50 years,” said Bob.

As we celebrate Father’s Day, we honor men like Bob who’ve devoted themselves to their families, and whose investments in their children have paid off in spades.

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