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Employees see importance of giving

The well-known saying that “it takes a village” isn’t limited to the concept of raising children. It applies equally well to caring for the residents of our Aberdeen Village community.

Each year, generous donors help ensure that we have the resources to provide a rich quality of life. Because of their willingness to support our mission, our residents can have faith that their needs will be met — not just today, but well into the future.

While many of our donors come from the community outside Aberdeen Village, some are within — working each day to care for our residents while generously contributing their own money to help support our work.

“It helps senior citizens,” said Ellen Markley, who is a dining services assistant. “It will help them pay for things they will need.”

“I’m being a good Samaritan,” said Esy Njuguna, a certified medication assistant in assisted living. “These are the teachings of Jesus.”

“Charity begins at home,” said certified nursing assistant Dawn Edmonds. “We are one big family here at Aberdeen Village not only for our residents, but our other employees.”

Life Enrichment Director Sandy Barnes said she donates regularly do what she can to help others.

“I pass on what I can when I can,” she said. “I don’t know when I might need assistance in my later years.”

It’s rewarding, she said, to see residents who can remain in the community thanks to the generosity of others.

“We are a tight community, and it feels like family everywhere you go in the building,” she said. “Every dollar that you put into the fund comes right back to our community to assist our own residents. This means a lot that you know the ones that your contribution helps. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, will add to others’ contributions to make a game-changing difference in someone’s life to be able to live the way you want to live.”

Director of Nursing Heather Benney also donates regularly. Like Mother Teresa, she believes that “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.”

“I’m not able to give large amounts, but the amount I do give is given with kindness and love towards those we serve,” Heather said. “I have always felt it is important to give back to those I feel are in need. I feel PMMA uses their funds appropriately, and that’s what’s important to me.”

Her view from the inside of Aberdeen Villages confirms her commitment.

“I feel PMMA is a good cause to donate to. I feel blessed to have an insider view of what the organization really does for elders, and they do some amazing work,” Heather said. “The staff at Aberdeen Village treats the residents as their own loved ones. In my time at Aberdeen, on numerous occasions I have seen staff bring a resident’s favorite snacks or treats into work. We have good staffing ratios compared to others in our industry, so it allows our staff to provide extra TLC to the residents, really focusing on what they want and what they like. Our staff knows our residents on a personal level, the staff know how residents like their breakfast, where they would like to have their belongings placed in their room before bed, and what makes them smile.”

Sales and Marketing Counselor David Meyer said he donates from his paychecks knowing that some residents could live past their means to pay for care.

“I think of those who have to eventually rely on Medicaid,” he said. “This way we can find a way to assist them and know we don’t have to ask them to leave like other places may.”

While Meyer has only been with Aberdeen Village for a few months, he has already noticed the family-like experience.

“I really have enjoyed getting to understand my teammates, but also the courtesy shown by our residents,” Meyer said. “A smile and a greeting goes a long way and goes both ways. I get this and give this every day and it makes me feel good.”

With his contributions, he is confident that his effort is going to the right place.

“Some places you may never know who your dollars may help,” he said. “Here, it will go to helping someone else get the care they need, the schooling to better their career, a whole host of opportunities to help and give back. When you are able to do so, PMMA is in the business of helping others with these dollars. It’s a way you can give yourself to others.”

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