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It’s a party — Frankie Hoffman turns 107!

Frankie Hoffman looked out the window to see a great big lawn display announcing her 107th birthday.

"What a wonderful sight to see," she said when she saw it. Frankie added that she had never seen a sign quite so large that wasn’t up in the air or on a billboard.

The giant sign was part of a daylong celebration to recognize Frankie’s Dec. 21 birthday.

It was an eventful celebration, and the ever-lovely Frankie had a lot to say on her special day. She enjoyed a multitude of birthday cards, a lot of virtual hugs and kisses, and a drive-by car parade — all to celebrate this monumental day in Frankie’s life. Many of her friends offered their wishes, as well as some family members and past employees.

One special guest led the Independent Living Choir in a rousing rendition of “Happy Birthday:” KC Wolf, the lighthearted mascot for the Kansas City Chiefs football team.

So many wonderful people from her life came out to wish her a great day, and Frankie wants to thank everyone who took time to visit or send cards in an effort to make this birthday her best.

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