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New residents Paul and Claudia Michaels recently celebrated one year at Aberdeen Village!

Residents Paul and Claudia Michaels moved into Aberdeen Village last November and say they’ve loved getting to know their neighbors.

“The name tags help!” Claudia laughed.

As far as their decision to move in, there are no regrets.

“We love it. We get out and do more than we did at home. We socialize more. We don’t drive anymore so that makes it a little more difficult, but our daughter lives just about 12 minutes away so she comes whenever we need to go anywhere. We’re blessed that way.”

Both describe their new home at the Village as a friendly place with friendly folks.

“We’ve made lots of friends,” said Claudia. “Everyone speaks to one another. I never get out in the hall without someone speaking to me. I think that’s a real plus.”

The pair likes to play Bingo and Claudia plays Mexican Train Dominoes on Tuesday evenings after dinner.

“The people are very pleasant and nice to be around,” she observed. “We talk and laugh. Laughter is very good for you.”

Paul worked for Ford for 38-years. He worked on the assembly line and was a master metal finisher. When he retired, he had the opportunity to train other workers in Mexico, Canada and Europe.

“It was like a second career for him,” said Claudia.

Claudia taught elementary school in between stints of staying home with their two daughters. She also worked at Crown Center as a claims examiner for a company.

The Michaels now enjoy three grandchildren and a great-grandchild.

Joins us in wishing them a Happy One Year Anniversary as residents!

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