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Resident achieves celebrity status with birthday

One of our star residents, Frankie Hoffman, turned 109 on Dec. 21 - and the world took notice.

Television station KSHB-NBC 41 came out and treated Frankie like a celebrity. Staff and residents all sang Happy Birthday to her and had cake to help her celebrate.

In her ultimate wisdom, when asked about her secret to living a long life, Frankie simply said "Just keep breathing!"

Frankie was also asked which birthday stood out as her favorite and she said that they were all good, but her 18th birthday stood out as being most memorable. She said her Mom always made sure to have a birthday party even though her birth date was so close to Christmas. Frankie’s mom always made sure it was special.

She said she didn't know what she did to deserve all of this attention. But, she knew she would survive all of the celebration but she “didn't know if Aberdeen would!"

Happy Birthday Frankie! We love you!

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